About Us
Welcome to the Lake. All of us in the Muskellunge Lake Association hope you find your home/cottage a wonderful place to be where you can enjoy all of the wildlife and water sports that the lake can offer. We also hope that you find that your purchase on the lake was a good investment with your time and money. We are doing our best to maintain the lake in as natural a condition as possible. As you might expect, we can’t make all of our own rules for how certain things are done in our lake neighborhood. Please see the postings at the boat landing and following attachments here regarding waterskiing/boat speeds, town regulations, DNR daily bag limits etc. Hopefully, these will also help to make your lake experience enjoyable. The members of the lake association have a stake in the lake as well by being involved in the Muskellunge Lake Association, getting to know your neighbors and engaging in various volunteer and social functions. We hope that you will join us.
Where We Are
Muskellunge Lake is located about 6 miles west of Eagle River WI. In the Town of Cloverland, Vilas County.
Muskellunge Lake is 272 acres with 3.6 miles of mostly upland shore line. Maximum depth is 19 feet. Lake water level is controlled by a low head dam at the west end of the lake. A public access boat landing is located in the northern most bay on Vilas county forest lands off an access road off Balsam Lane.
Access to Muskellunge lake properties can be gained from Wilderness Road, Musky Road and Balsam Lane.
Dues are $40 per year due in the end of December. The Board of Directors may ask for additional funds that will be set aside specifically to the Lake Improvement Fund. This account is for anticipated or planned expenses beyond the $40 annual dues. The MLA is an all volunteer organization. We have no other source of funding for the regular operations or longer term improvements. We rely only on the help from our members. Owners will be sent an invoice annually in the fall.
Make checks payable to: Muskellunge Lake Association.